Interested in applying for admission to Mazel Day School?
We appreciate your interest in Mazel Day School and we look forward to meeting you during the admissions process.
This section includes information such as what's involved in Mazel's application process, testimonials from other parents as to "why choose Mazel?" and more.
Parents are also encouraged to contact us if you have any other questions about our school, as well as to schedule a visit to Mazel for an on-site tour.
We look forward to hearing from you, meeting you, and working with you throughout the application process.
If you have additional questions, feel free to email [email protected].
- Applicants for Pre-Nursery must be 2 years old by October 15 of the entering year.
- Applicants for Nursery must be 3 years old by November 15 of the entering year.
- Applicants for Pre-K must be 4 years old by November 15 of the entering year.
- Applicants for Kindergarten must be 5 years old by November 15 of the entering year.
Families that are applying to 3K/UPK, please contact the admissions office at 718-368-4490 ext. 102.
K-8 Open House: Wednesday, November 13 @ 7:00 PM Click HERE to register for the MDS K-8 Open House